Here are some letters and photos we received from satisfied owners
(Last names and addresses have been omitted)

From: Lydia Sharp,
Date: Sat, May 18, 2024
Subject: Cork (Pancho x Fly 2011)
To: Phyllis Giroux,

Hi Phyllis,

I’m sorry it has taken me awhile to write. I’m still grieving. I’m writing to let you know that I had to let Cork go last Friday (5/10). He was almost 12 1/2. He had LarPar for about 4 yrs and was struggling so much in the AZ heat. It had gotten exponentially worse since April.

I took him in for a surgical consult last Friday and he was in severe distress just from the car ride (it was 85 degrees at 9 am). They immediately took him back to give him oxygen and stabilize him.

The surgeon said she would need to do X-rays, ultrasound, and scope to see if he was a surgical candidate. They lightly sedated him for the X-rays first. The surgeon immediately came back after the X-ray and told me Cork had Megaesophegus which eliminated any chance of having surgery. I was devastated.

I knew taking him home would be very risky since I didn’t have any way to help him if he was in distress like the ride to the vet. I also knew the forecast was for temps to be in the 100s from now until fall. I made the decision to let him go so he wouldn’t suffocate in the heat. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. My daughter and I were with him as he passed. I hope he knew how much everyone loved him.

I loved this boy so much. He was an old soul even when he was a puppy. He was the easiest dog I ever trained. I’d show him something once and he would do it correctly from then on.  He was great with people, puppies, and other animals. We traveled extensively and he was always on his best behavior. He would lay under the table at dog friendly restaurants and the servers always said they didn’t even know I had a dog with me.  He’s my first dog to go to the agility nationals, was ranked in the Top 25 agility Labs, and had 3 agility championships (MACH, PACH and USDAAs PDCH). He was also my first dog to get a hunt title on, my first Scent Work Excellent Elite dog, and my first animal actor.  He loved it all and excelled in everything he did.

If you remember, you took Cork back from his first family (I got him at 4 1/2 months old). They will never know what an awesome dog they missed out on.

Thank you for letting me have this special boy in my life.

Rest in peace my sweet boy.

11/24/11 - 5/10/24


From: Teena
Date: Mon, Jan 15, 2024
Subject: Sully

Hi Joanne:

I wanted to send another pic of our dog, Sully! He has been a great friend to us and loves to go duck hunting! Hope all are well at Deep Run Farm.


From: Jimmy
Date: Tue, Oct 31, 2023
Subject: Zeppelin and Jimmie
To: Phyllis Giroux

Hello Deep Run,
Just checking in.
Zeppelin is 14 and still holding his own and Jimmie will be 7 in a month.
I just can’t say enough about how great these guys are. They are smart, well behaved, calm, and fun when it’s time to be fun.
Every time we see the vet he just marvels at what great specimens they are. A testament to their breed and more importantly to your efforts to run a top shelf operation.
We are so thankful for all of your efforts!!
Hope all is well.


From: Jenna
Sent: Friday, July 7, 2023
Subject: Rhonda/Ryder litter


I just wanted to share some pictures! We got, now named, "Grizz", earlier this year and we are so thankful! Everywhere we go we are told how handsome and healthy he is. Just left the vet for another round of vaccines and nothing but good news. So just wanted to say thank you for all you do! :) he was the missing piece to our little family!

Jen, Cory, big sister Kali, and Grizz

From: Talmage
Date: Sat, Apr 15, 2023
Subject: Scout

Hello Phyllis,
I hope things are going well with you and DRF. I wanted to give you an update on Scout and thank you again for the opportunity to have such a wonderful companion. Scout just turned 7 years old last week. He is doing great. Early on he scored 198 out of 200 points in his Canine Training Association, Inc program and won 1st place honors. He easily passed his Canine Good Citizen Test and, prior to COVID closure, he participated in the Maryland Pets on Wheels Volunteer Therapy Dog program. He is a wonderful member of my family and beloved in my community neighborhood. He continues to make many people happy.

From: Ray
Date: Fri, Mar 31, 2023
Subject: Update on Salem (Chilbrook Seventh Heaven)
To: Phyllis Giroux

Hello, Phyllis and Joanne. You may have seen this on Debby’s website but just wanted to let you know that our Salem earned his AKC STAR certificate last week. He was 6 months old yesterday and we are crazy in love with him. He sits politely waiting for food and treats (despite competition from his housemates) and has been a standout at Puppy I and II classes. His best buddy is 14-month-old Hero Dogs Patrick (Yellow Lab), whom we will be raising until May when he will go back to the kennel for advanced training. Salem and his half-brother, Hershey, have similar calm dispositions, intelligence, and focus on human contact. Most notably, Salem is on track to follow his big brother into a Therapy Dog career with my wife, Mary, who is his favorite human by far!

Hope you enjoy the pictures,
Kindest regards,

Ray, PhD

From: Mark
Date: Wed, Mar 29, 2023
Subject: Boarding for Deep Run Chma

Good morning I would like to inquire about setting up boarding over Christmas break 2023 for my chocolate lab.
Deep Run Chma is one of your dogs (Hatter was the sire born in 2018). It would be a two week run.
I can set it up online, but I was wondering how soon ahead should I set it up?

Let me know.

Also, I just wanted to say that this is by FAR and away this is the best, best, best retriever I’ve ever owned or worked with. I regularly hunt him in VA and MD on boats, fields, creeks, and impounds. He is the hardest driving most motivated retriever in the blind. He has hundreds of retrieves of waterfowl of all types from Canada Geese to Buffleheads. No matter how cold, no matter how rough the water is, no matter what I ask him to do he will do it without question. He is a beloved member of our family, ( I have three teenage children). He is such a lazy Labrador most of the time, but when the whistle and the bumpers, or the gun comes out he is ready to work!!! I just wanted to say how absolutely great this dog really is and thank you for doing what you do. There is no doubt I will be back for another in the next year or two in order to overlap the puppy with the older more experienced retriever. For now Chma is in his prime and is a joy to have in the blind.


From: Lydia
Date: Fri, Mar 17, 2023
Subject: AKC NAC
To: Phyllis Giroux,

Hi Phyllis,

Checking in from the 2023 AKC National Agility Championships in Tulsa, OK.

Juice (2018 Haze x Rockette) and I are having a great time. He’s accomplished so much in such a short time. He’s only 4 so he still has his whole career ahead of him.

I saw there is another Deep Run dog here. I’ve been trying to track him down. His name is Spenser. Owner is Christine. Hopefully I will get to meet him. All the Lab people are getting together for a photo tomorrow so maybe we'll see him then.


From: Timothy
Date: Thu, Dec 29, 2022
Subject: Happy Holidays
To: Phyllis Giroux at

Merry Christmas from the World's Greatest lab...Boone. Hard to believe it was exactly one year ago today that we came to look at our puppy. Thanks for a really great addition to our family.

From: Nancy
Date: Sun, Dec 25, 2022
Subject: Merry Christmas from Emmy!
To: Phyllis Giroux,

Good Morning Phyllis, Joanne and staff;

Emmy and I wanted to wish you all Happy Holidays! Emmy is an amazing lab. She's incredibly smart, loves her daily walks/training, great on our car rides where we go on our walks, she's adventurous, very social, loves to play with my other labs Jessie and Lacey, she's the most affectionate lab I have ever had. And she's so great at posing for pictures! This beautiful girl is a true blessing!!

Nancy and Emmy

From: Desmond
Date: Sun, Nov 13, 2022
Subject: Deep Run Arlington Sox (Arlo)

Dr. Giroux,

It is with great sadness and deep, deep sorrow that I need to inform you that our beloved four year old chocolate lab, Deep Run Arlington Sox (Arlo) passed away Saturday from ventricular tachycardia secondary to myocarditis. This condition presented Friday morning with no warning. Our regular vet, the emergency vet, and cardiologist vet worked heroically to try to help him. For that we are so appreciative. We wanted you to know that Arlo was the kindest, most playful, funniest, loving, energetic and profoundly athletic lab we have ever owned. Arlo made everything a game. LOL. Arlo made Philly, my wife, and I better people. He taught us so many things. I have retired from the military reserves as well as science teaching and coaching. In my career fields, I had to deal with a lot of difficult moments and situations. My relationship with Arlo helped me change in such a positive way that I will be forever indebted to him. For me, Arlo, in some ways, was more like an unofficial service dog. He was my ultimate friend.

Arlo loved everyone one he met with Agape love and because of that, he in turn was loved by everyone that met him. We now have a five year old granddaughter and a seven year old grandson. Their love for him was immeasurable. He was so good with them and other children. Philly, our family and I are so thankful that Arlo was in our life. We are so thankful that during this difficult time we have many fond memories, pictures, and videos. I have attached a view for you to see the wonderful dog he was. We wanted to thank you and your staff for determining four years ago that he was the puppy our family needed. We will never forget the staff member telling us, "Arlo gets the big toy." We just wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts how blessed we were to have Arlo in our lives.

On behalf of Philly and our family. Thank you!


From: Jackson's family
Date: Sat, Oct 1, 2022
Subject: Jackson

Dear Deep Run,
I wanted to share some photos of our handsome boy Jackson. From the first day we brought him home from Deep Run to his final days we could not have had a better Lab. He was in our lives for over 15 years (5/15/2007 to 9/30/2022) and brought joy each day he was with us. While he may not have been in the duck blind for awhile now, when he was, he was the perfect hunting dog. He was also the perfect pool partner on hot summer days but mostly he was our best friend and companion to the end. Thank you for providing us with the perfect addition to our family; our lives have been forever touched by his beauty both inside and out. He will be sorely missed.

The Derby Family

From: Rebecca
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2022
Subject: Thatcher update
To: Phyllis Giroux,

I wanted to show you how grown up Thatcher (Hatter x Tuesday, 7/2019) has become. He is a Master level scent work dog, and has obtained numerous titles. His antics however are more than I ever expected. If he isn't stealing a shoe, or a kids toy he isn't being himself. Every day he has to pick up something (shoe, pillow, ANYTHING) to greet me at the door. Oftentimes, I am missing shoes because of him, but at least he knows how to search for them, and he has never destroyed one. His goofy personality makes us laugh more every day. He has placed in nearly every trial he has entered, whether it is in scent work, rally, or obedience, and loves to please. He is a fun, loving, smart, out-going boy who is always up to something. Thanks again for breeding such a wonderful boy.

Rebecca - CPDT-KA Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) & Trick Dog Evaluator AKC Temperament Test Evaluator

From: Jennifer
Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2022
Subject: Caico is 6!

Hi Deep Run!
Our silliest girl, Caico (Casey/Rockette) is 6 today! We were told from the first email that she was full of personality and loves to retrieve and it still holds true today. She is my little shadow ~ so smart, funny, loyal, snuggly and would play ball all day long if we let her. She has even mastered retrieving by herself by dropping a tennis ball in the pool and jumping in to get it.

The last pic is our SWEETEST girl Maddie (Casey/Gypsy) who recently turned 8 ~ if dogs could roll their eyes, she would at Caico’s antics. Maddie has been known to tattle (alert barking) when Caico is being a little naughty ??

Our lives revolve around our pups and we are forever thankful for them. Pure, unconditional love.

Hope all is well,
Jen K.

From: Jane
Date: Mon, Aug 15, 2022
Subject: Oakley
To: Deeprunfarm

I meant to send these pictures! Frannie/Hatter 2021 litter.

From: Piper
Date: Thu, Aug 4, 2022
Subject: Thank You for putting Piper and now Pepper in our lives. James & Carol

Dear Deep Run, been meaning to send this thank you for blessing us with another great Lab while memorializing one we lost not so long ago.
Piper (3/9/2004 - 3/7/2020 and forever in out hearts) [Elvis and Risky]
Piper when he was younger, and when he was a bit older.

Now with the good Lord and Deep Run Retrievers we have Pepper (11/21/2020) [Haze and Rockette]
Elvis is great great grandfather, Rocky his grandfather and brother of Piper
Pepper looking back at a special legacy while bringing energy and love to our future.

Family traits includes sweetness to everyone, non stop energy outdoors, mellow indoors. Intelligence, compassion and endless kisses. They both slowed our own aging to keep up with them. Life can’t be complete without a Deep Run Dog.

From: Ashley
Date: Tue, Jan 18, 2022
Subject: Hello from "Big John"

Hello there,
It has been 5 months since we brought Big John home (now Moose). He has been such a fun and active addition to our home!
Moose has started his training program as a Service Dog for my husband. Last week he passed Phase One with flying colors. I wanted to send along some photos.
Thanks for such a great dog - his personality is really something else!

From: John C
Date: Mon, Jan 17, 2022
Subject: Beacher
To: Phyllis Giroux

Phyllis, Thanks for Beacher who bonded with his new mother right away on the way to his new home. Ate, peed, napping now!

From: John
Date: Sun, Nov 7, 2021
Subject: Kona
To: Phyllis Giroux

It’s been a while since we have updated about Kona. We just finished 7 days in South Dakota and Kansas, we are headed to Missouri. We shot 300 birds exactly and Kona had close to 150-160 retrieves…some very long blinds and this double pintail…the 50 birds was our last day in Kansas. He was steady, honored and held his own with 2 field trial dogs and the guides dogs. So proud and was asked multiple times about his lines.

Thank you.
John and Kona

From: Nancy
Date: Sun, Oct 31, 2021
Subject: Happy Halloween from Emmy!
To: Phyllis Giroux

Hi Phyllis, Joanne and staff,
Emmy and I wanted to share these photos with you.

From: David
Date: Tue, Oct 19, 2021
Subject: Luna PATF1 Certified

Good Morning Deep Run,

I got Luna from you in 2017 as a FEMA USAR Live Find Canine. She has been a wonderful partner, and loving companion. I couldn’t be happier about her. We recently passed our FEMA this past weekend in NJ and wanted to pass along the news that she is awesome, loves to work, get her belly rubbed ..please feel free to use on your website.

From: Katie
Date: Mon, Oct 11, 2021
Subject: Update on Billy x Shandy Puppy - Katie
To: Phyllis Giroux

Just wanted to send a huge thank you to the Deep Run Family!
I've now had Josie (from the Billy and Shandy litter) for one week now and she has been such a wonderful addition to our family. She loves playing with our 4 year old lab (also from Deep Run!) and giving lots of snuggles to everyone she meets. Thank you so much for all the work your team puts in to make such wonderful companions :)

Date: September 21, 2021

Hi Phyllis, Sharon and Joanne!

On our way to Idaho Thursday for Master National. Glitter -Deep Run Black Diamond- Plate or no plate she is phenomenal!
Cooper (Hatter x Tuesday 12/20/21) went 4/4 in Junior in September, Deep Run Smokin’ Diamond JH, not to be outdone by big "sis."
And actually Glitter passed 3/3 Master tests in September (100%). Not bad for the Deep Run gang!
They are wonderful, can’t wait to get Cooper hunting when we return! Thanks for doing all the work behind the scenes that most people will never realize!

Best,Sharon & Larry

From: Paige
Date: July 29, 2021
To: ""
Subject: Update on Deep Run Reilly & Inquiry on Next Puppy

Hi Phyllis,
I hope this finds you doing well!
I just wanted to update you on Reilly and send some recent photos.
She started her first dock diving season in May. She has already far exceeded our expectations and jumped her personal best of 24.5 feet last weekend! The average Labrador jumps 17 feet, so that is extraordinary given this is her first season. We are taking her to the NADD Regional event in Georgia at the end of August, so wish us luck!
We will continue with agility and plan to start preparing for obedience trials in the fall.
We are so happy with Reilly and receive compliments about her all the time…not just on her physique but behavior as well.
We would really like to buy another puppy from you when you have a black female available. Ideally, we would love the same parents as Reilly (Pancho and Maybelline) but I’m not sure if you are breeding that pair anymore.
Reilly is perfect for us, because she has tons of energy when needed (for sports, etc.) but is also mild-mannered enough to go places with us, etc.
Do you by chance know when you might have a similar litter? We will definitely pay our deposit to hold the puppy whenever you need us to.
Thanks so much and look forward to hearing back from you!

Paige and Thomas

From: Rob
Date: Mon, Jun 28, 2021
Subject: 1 Yr Update: Deep Run Pinpoint Shooter
To: Phyllis Giroux (,}

Hi Phyllis and Team at Deep Run Farm,
We are writing to give you an 1 year update on Sniper (Deep Run Pinpoint Shooter), Pancho x Rogue 06/16/2020. He has been a wonderful dog and addition to the family. While he has only been with us for less than a year he has made his mark on us and we have formed a great bond. He is a great pet until he hears a duck call or shotgun close, then he is game on for retrieving and super focused on the task at hand. This last weekend he passed his first HRC hunt test, we look forward to many more and growing with him. He loves swimming in the water, running in the field and retrieving birds/bumpers.

Thank you,
Rob & Carolin

Here is a written letter sent by very satisfied customer:

From: Sissy
Date: February 4, 2021
Subject: Calvin at 5 months

Hello Phyllis,
Sending along a picture of my sweet Calvin at 5 months. He loves the snow and is sweet and full of energy. Thank you for another perfect lab.

On Sat, Oct 24, 2020, Sissy wrote:

Just a note to let you know that Calvin is doing great at home. He went to the vet yesterday for his check up and charmed everyone there. He is so much fun.
Thank you for another beautiful lab puppy.


From: Allison
Date: Mon, Sep 14, 2020
Subject: Update
To: Phyllis Giroux

Hi Phyllis,
We took Maddie home from Deep Run in February of 2019. She was from a Squeezy x Bogie litter. Maddie is the sweetest pup and has brought us so much joy since she came home with us. She's easy going, well adjusted, loves her brothers and the water, and is the happiest dog I've ever had. Here are some pictures of her:

Thanks for a great dog!
Allison and Robert

From: Rebecca
Date: Thu, Aug 20, 2020
Subject: Update on Thatcher
To: Phyllis Giroux

Good Afternoon,
Wanted to let you know that Thatcher continues to work and his aptitude for learning continues. He is still training in competitive nose work, but he is now "Bush Meadow Deep Run Presiding Judge, CGC, CGCA, TKP", call name is Thatcher.
He will have a few more titles added to his name, but he is developing into a well mannered young man. I get compliments on his appearance often, so I thought you'd like to see how he's grown. He is from the Tuesday x Hatter litter and turned 1 in July.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 Chrissy wrote:

Hello Team Deep Run!
I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy.
I want to let you know how Angie is doing (Charlie x Mac, b. 7/3/19). She is so great! She is sweet and smart, and has inserted herself into our family like she was always meant to be in it. Thanks for the awesome dog.
- Chrissy

Mon, Jul 27, 2020 Talmage wrote:

Hi Phyllis. I hope you and Deep Run are doing well. I want to update you on Scout, who is 4 years old now. He is a fantastic companion. He earned his Canine Good Citizen Certification 2 years ago and has been active in the Maryland Pets On Wheels program visiting elementary schools and senior assisted living centers (until things were shut down due to the Coronavirus). He has grown up with my grandson and the two could not be closer. Scout loves the water, particularly the Chesapeake Bay where we live. He is a great dog and is well loved in my neighborhood. A wonderful addition to my family. Thank you, Talmage

From: Michele
Date: Sun, Jul 19, 2020
Subject: Rob & Chanel pup

We purchased a female from the Rob & Chanel litter born on August 30, 2019. I just wanted to let you know how much we love this sweet girl (Emerson aka Emmie). She is a bundle of joy and affection and sooooo smart!!!!! We couldn’t be happier with her or love her any more.
Thought you might enjoy seeing a picture of her at our Huntington Dog Beach this morning. She loves playing in the water and running down the beach with so many friends.
I’m sure things have been really tough for everyone there with COVID. I’m so grateful we were able to get Emmie when we did. And a plus to the quarantining is we’ve had even more time to spend with her.

Thank you for raising such incredible dogs!!

From: Gene
Date: Tue, Jul 14, 2020
Subject: "Hudson" NJVMA Hall of Fame Induction".....and a "Bourbon" Appearance Too!
To: Phyllis Giroux, DVM, CAC

Dear Phyllis & the entire "DRF" Team,

I’m extremely proud to share the news that "Our" (yours and mine) "Hudson" has been inducted into the NJ Veterinary Medical Association’s "Hall of Fame"!
Having looked through the "Kudos" section of the DRF website, I didn’t see a mention of an HOF’er. Of course it would be a tremendous additional honor to learn if in fact Hudson turns out to be DRF’s first such honoree!
Here’s a link to his induction video that the NJVMA had their videographers put together that was presented to the entire group at their annual convention here in NJ.
At the end of the HOF video you’ll also see our "Bourbon" make an appearance with Hudson. As noted in the video, she’s following in Hudson’s footsteps now and hopefully down the road we’ll be able to share with you and the extended DRF family her own special achievements!
Attached are just several pictures I think you’ll enjoy looking through, and there are a lot more in the following link.
Here’s a link to the 52 page document I had put together detailing Hudson’s career, beginning from the day he went through his last workout/training session at Deep Run Farm. This was the attachment to his HOF application that the Selection Committee told me was the finest and most compelling attachment they had ever received.
Finally as you’ll see, Hudson and I have had a truly, impressive, inspiring, and gratifying career together, with wonderful far-reaching effects on the lives of 100s of children, first responders and current and retired veterans over the years. Needless to say finding Deep Run in 2009 turned out to have a profound effect on my life and the volunteer life Hudson and I have shared together since then!

My best to all of you!

From: Sharon and Larry
Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2020
Subject: Deep Run's Black Diamond CD, SH Poncho x Rain 3/7/17
To: Phyllis Giroux ,

Hi Phyllis and Deep Run,
Thought I’d send some current pictures and accomplishments of “Glitter” AKA Deep Run’s Black Diamond CD,JH She passed her first 2 senior hunt tests and was entered in the March tests that ended up being cancelled due to the shut down. When the opportunity came up to enter the June Idaho double header near Island Park we decided to enter Senior. Glitter qualified both days and titled; qualifying in the four Senior tests she was entered! We love her and enjoy playing, hunting, training, and just living with her.

Thank you for breeding such a healthy, happy, balanced Labrador. Hope to see you sometime on the road to the Master National!

Sharon and Larry

From: Richard
Date: Sun, May 10, 2020
Subject: 1 Year Old Beau Valentine
To: Phyllis Giroux

Deep Run Team,
I wanted to share a picture of Beau who is now a 1 year old as of May 1st. I see a lot of Bogie in him. He is doing well, still training with him, but he is very smart and loving to both my wife and me. Great Dog...thank you so much.


From: Chad
Date: Thu, Apr 23, 2020
Subject: Pepper

Just wanted to give you an update on pepper. He continues to excel in his hunting career. This year he made a 3 week trip across the country hunting pheasant and ducks in north Dakota, ducks in Kansas, and and ended in Nebraska on the north platte river, were it took only the first goose to figure out to not fight the current but wait for the birds to float to him. The guide was amazed. Back home we ended the season with over 300 doves, 180 snow geese and 174 ducks retrieved. Till today where this morning we added Turkey to his resume. I crippled a bird into a swamp. So I went to the truck and got pepper. Wasn't in there long when he came back with a18lb dead Turkey. He is a real pleasure to have as an everyday companion. And an all round great dog.

Thanks, Chad

From: Jamie
Date: March 8, 2020
Subject: Jack (Charley x Apple Nov 30 2019) Update

Hello Phyllis, Sharon, and everyone else at Deep Run:
I cannot thank you all enough for providing such wonderful puppies. Jack is a delight! Beautiful inside and out, he has quickly become the most popular puppy on Solomons Island. His best friend is our 8 year-old Miniature Pinscher Daisy. They’re quite the odd couple to look at, but they are very much enamored with one another. Training Jack has been a breeze, but again I have you to thank. You’re the ones who started him off on the right paw, so to speak ?? Take care!!

Hi Phyllis and all,
I brought home a chocolate lab pup in October (from Hatter/Laila) and wanted to provide a few updates and photos and let you know how much we love our little guy. We named him "Hunter" for a few reasons, but one could argue he was named after his his dad's (Hatter) hunting titles!
Hunter is a fun, people lovin, dog lovin, guy who loves life from the moment he wakes up. He loves going on adventures and sailing on the Chesapeake Pay. In the fall, he enjoyed going to wineries in Virginia and hanging around the fire place. At Christmas time, he couldn't wait for Santa to arrive. Just a few weeks ago, he enjoyed his first snow.
We love our pup and would't change him for the world. He is the star of his dog training classes and we can't wait to watch him grow! But not too fast! Thanks for everything.

Matt S.

January 7, 2020
Sage is in training in East Texas. She is exactly what you said she would be. The trainer is impressed.

From: Joy
Date: December 13, 2019
To: Phyllis Giroux
Subject: Update

I hope all is well. Just wanted to send a few pictures of Sonny (Knight). I have to say - I love my great dane, but I think Sonny is the best dog we have ever had. He is so sweet, mostly obedient ?? and makes us smile every time we look at him. And to top it off, he is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for giving him such a great start. We just got two miniature horses and he is wonderful with them. They are completely comfortable with him and they run and chase each other. It's so cute! See the Video!

I wanted to let you know that he (and the Dane- figured it would be easier getting them done together so they can both have the same down time) are scheduled to be neutered in February.

And one more thing.. we are considering getting a black English female. Would you like us to resubmit a puppy questionnaire or do you want me to just email you when ready?

Please see attached. Thanks for all you do.

Sent from my smartphone

From: John
Sent: 9/6/2019
Subject: Kona Rivers update

Kona went on his first hunt today, 9/5/19, his 10 month bday. He made some great retrieves. Was very steady. Helped find some birds before the panting started. His training has paid off. And in true Kona fashion he made himself right at home after the hunt (in the hosts chair). We cannot say enough about how great he is. We love our Deep Run Retriever.


From: Jen
Sent: 8/18/2019
Subject: Caico (Casey/Rockette) is 3!
Hi Deep Run,

Our sweet, crazy Caico (we were on our way to Turks and Caicos when we saw her picture online) is 3 today! We noticed that she was available and reminded us so much of her sister Maddie (5) that we had to inquire. We were told she was full of personality, a very active pup and that she LOVES to retrieve. And boy, we you spot on! She would retrieve ALL DAY LONG and has been known to drop a tennis ball in the pool for herself so she can jump in and retrieve it. She is such a loyal, silly, snuggly pup. We would chose her all over again. Our Deep Run girls are 2 of the best decisions we’ve yet to make.
Jen and family

From: Renee
Date: August 9, 2019
Subject: Update on Cassie

Dear Deep Run,
Cassie (Casey x Gala - 8-13-17) has been very busy over the last couple of months. She has earned several new titles including: Canine Good Citizen Advanced, Urban Canine Good Citizen, Intermediate Trick Dog and Advanced Trick Dog. At the end of May she ran her first agility trial and has already earned her Novice Fast Preferred and legs in Novice Jumpers with Weaves Preferred and Novice Standard Preferred.

On July 19th she earned her RAE in Rally (one year from her first Rally Trial). She has several legs of her Rally Master title and Triple Qs towards her RACH. She has a busy agility and Rally schedule for the Fall. Super proud of her and achieving so much before her second birthday! Here’s a couple pictures of her loving what she does. Thanks again for breeding such a great dog.



From: Christine
Date: Mon, Jul 15, 2019
Subject: Spencer

Hi there,
Just wanted to give you an update on Spencer (Pancho x Mac). We are soooo happy with him. Yesterday, at just 8 months old, he got both his AKC Novice and Intermediate Trick Titles. His agility training is going well too. Spencer has been a joy since the day we brought him home. Thank you so much for entrusting us with this wonderful puppy!
I’ve attached a photo of him with his ribbons from yesterday.


From: Pike
Sent: 7/14/2019
Subject: Raven

Raven is growing fast, entertaining,energetic,loving and a great girl! She’s really pretty!
Sent from my iPhone

From: Elisabeth
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2019
Subject: Mow is 5

Our incredible dog Mow is 5 today...what a joy she is.

Thank you!

From: Kathi
Date: June 11, 2019
Subject: Libby Update- Pancho x Glow puppy 7/4/18

Hi Phyllis and Kristi,
Just wanted to let you know how Libby (Deep Run Liberty Belle) is doing. She has been such a joy! She is smart as a whip, and doing quite well with her hunting training. Libby has 3 passes in her first three Jr Hunt tests - and at 10 months, she was the youngest dog in her first two tests over Memorial Day weekend. Her trainer (Dave Dahlberg of Rolida Kennels) loves working with her and thinks she has great ability. He is always commenting on how smart she is!
Libby also got her Canine Good Citizen before she started her hunting training. She is a ball of energy, but will still cuddle on the couch with us at night. She loves everyone! Will send along a few photos including two from her recent hunt tests. Thank you again for working with us to find the perfect puppy and a relative of our last Deep Run girl. (Libby's Auntie Rocket, from Hombre x Cary 5/22/05). Can't believe our Libby will be a year old already on July 4! Karl is excited to get her out hunting here in Colorado this fall.

Thanks again,
Kathi and Karl

From: Jennifer
Date: June 11, 2019
To: Phyllis Giroux,
Subject: Thanks for taking such good care of Beanie and McGoo

Hi Kristi and Phyllis,
Thanks again for taking such good care of Beanie and McGoo! We really appreciate that you paid special attention to their diet (thanks for picking up extra chicken!) as well as to their needs for love and attention. It was their first time away from home at "sleep-away camp" without a family member present. But thanks to you all, they did just fine!

Best to Everyone,
Jennifer, George, McGoo and Beanie

From: Brittany and Brian
Sent: 6/3/2019
Subject: Bruce and Roscoe

Dear Phyllis and Kristi,
Bruce (Pancho x Maybelline) is fitting perfectly into the family. Everywhere we go people stop to tell us what a pretty boy he is. His favorite thing to do is swim with his brother, Roscoe (Pancho x Sally). Thank you for our third wonderful Deep Run pup!

Brittany and Brian

From: Joe
Date: Mon, Jun 3, 2019
Subject: Cassie Casey x Twister

Hi Phyllis,
Cassie is 3.5 years old and a solid 75 lbs. She is such a good dog. Great temperment. Loves people and other dogs. We are enjoying her so much. Thanks again for breeding great dogs.
Hope all is well with you.

Best regards,
Joe and Joann

From: Maryland Mold Masters
Date: Thu, May 30, 2019
Subject: Kona

Kona and Landon on a fishing trip. He is taking to the boat and loves fishing w Landon.


From: Dennis
Date: Tue, May 28, 2019
Subject: Pup pick up
To: Deep Run Farm

Good evening. Writing to let you know that Faith is doing great. She’s grown over the last week. The vet weighed her in at 29.6 lbs and said she looks great. She is as long as my 4 year old.
Let me tell you that Faith is all personality. She never leaves your side and is the talk of the town. All find her as friendly as she is cute.
Thank you again. Below are some photos for you.

From: Frances
Date: Thu, May 16, 2019
Subject: Pickup day for the newest addition - who we are naming Poppy :)
To: Phyllis Giroux

Hi Kristi and Phyllis -
Our new puppy (Apple pup), will be named Poppy.
Here are a couple pictures of Glory and older sister Pearl - who are best friends already!

Thank you so much.!
Fran & Tara

From: Elke
Date: Tue, May 14, 2019
Subject: Bear

Thank you for picking the perfect puppy to join our family. Bear is a joy to be around and his big brother Baxter enjoys his company.


From: Guy
Date: May 9, 2019

Id like to give you an update on Deep Run Sierra Sage (Sage) my second wonderful lab from you out of Deep Run Moondog and Deep Run Gypsy Gold. She's terrific on ducks, pheasants and chukar and she just completed her Senior Hunter Title and will start Masters this month. Here's a picture of her and her proud papa.


From: Barbara
Date: Tue, Apr 30, 2019
Subject: Hello from a happy owner

I just ran across your paperwork from nearly 6 years ago, when I bought a chocolate puppy from you. (Deep Run Mad Hatter, JH X Deep Run Hustle Russell). I wanted to say how happy I have been, and what a great companion I have. We don’t hunt, but "Reuben Pumpernickel of Sandwich, a.k.a. Ruby" and I camp and run and swim and have a jolly time together.
Here is a recent favorite photo.
Thank you very much!

From: Lydia
Date: April 28, 2019
Subject: PACH Cork

Just letting you know that Cork finished his PACH on Friday. He is now MACH PACH Deep Run Uncorked CDX MXS MJS MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB MXF PAX

From: Yehl, Chelsea, Colleen
Date: Thu, Apr 11, 2019
Subject: Thank you!

Whelped 9 years ago today! We love our Deputy Dog from Deep Run! He is still a hunting machine (ducks, pheasants) and loves to run too. He even loves his baby sister too.

As always, thank you so much!

From: Eileen
Date: Sat, Mar 23, 2019
Subject: "Deep Run Blue Suede Shoes"

Elvis x Rogue - May 31, 2018
Adore this pup!
Thanks, Phyllis and Deep Run

Eileen and John

From: Paula
Date: Thu, Mar 21, 2019
Subject: Jacobi

This is our beloved Jacobi. We absolutely adore him. I have purchased 3 retrievers from this family unit. We have loved each and everyone of them. They are the sweetest most lovable dogs. My children grew up with them . Now my grandchildren are totally in love with Jacobi.

Thank you,

From: Renee
Sent: 2/24/2019
Subject: Cassie continues to excel

Another great Rally weekend for Deep Run Cassandra RE TKN CGC (Casey x Gala). She earned her Rally Excellence title and first leg of RAE this weekend. She also competed for the first time in Obedience Novice A and got a 1st Place. We always get so many compliments on her with her beautiful looks and super kind expression. She has a busy Rally schedule for March, along with her agility training. Can never say thank you enough for breeding such a wonderful dog!

PS... she did qualify for AKC Rally Nationals 2019 in Novice but too far to travel. Hopefully next year!
Renee' and Gary

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without the loss of enthusiasm" -Winston Churchill

From: Scott
Date: March 14, 2019
To: ""
Subject: Checking in!

Hi Phyllis,
Happy Spring!
Just checking in to let you know how much we love Harper! She is sooo easy to train and couldn't be a better family member. We rarely miss a day getting out for training/playing.
Tim Secor and I have pheasant hunted in Iowa for the last 20 or so years (the hat in the picture has been worn every year) and Harper is something special. A well trained dog not only while in the field but also around other hunters, farmers, the hotel, truck stops etc.. makes for a truly fun and relaxing experience. Tim and I are getting older but chasing the roosters with Deep Run dogs every fall has been one of life's treasures!
Harper will be 3 this summer and in about 3 years I'll plan to get another. Tim will be looking for another soon as well! If you decide to hang up your whistle before then let me know!
Thanks again for yet another wonderfully perfect dog!


From: Chuck
Sent: 3/13/2019
Subject: Dulci (GMHR Deep Run After Six X Teran's Kiss the Blarney Stone, 4/18/2007)

Hi Phyllis,
Monday afternoon we took Dulci (Dulcinea) for her final visit to the vet. She was about a month shy of 12 years old. Liver and gall bladder troubles came on very suddenly and began shutting down. She started refusing all food in spite of the meds we had been giving her. She quickly became uncomfortable and not her usual self. The vet clinic was great and it was a very quick and painless procedure. Things have been quiet and subdued around here since then, as you can imagine.

Amongst a breed of dogs known for their gentleness, Dulci was the gentlest of all. She was a good hunter and a true athlete. I couldn't begin to calculate the number of hunts, hikes, canoe rides and other adventures we've had together. She was a loyal friend and had survived a rattlesnake bite at 4 months old and a complete knee operation 4 years ago. As old as she was, she was able to do a couple of short bird hunts just this past fall. The energy and spirit were still there and never left her.

You may remember Bill Tait from South Africa. Bill helped me get started with Labradors when I lived in SA years ago. He was a mentor and good friend. In South Africa, there is a saying among the gun dog community that their dogs cross over the rainbow bridge and will be waiting for us at the other end. I have no idea where God will send me when it is my turn, but I sure want it to be someplace where dogs are. BTW - Bill has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and now is in the care of Hospice. I'm sure any thoughts and prayers sent his way would be appreciated.

I thought you should know that Dulci turned out to be a pretty darn good dog and will be missed.

All the best,

From: Shelley
Date: Sun, Mar 10, 2019
Subject: Rey and Mesa

Hi Kristi!! Just thought I’d send a few photos. These two are inseparable! Thanks for having such wonderful dogs!

From: Dana
Sent: 3/3/2019
Subject: Deep Run High Kaliber SH AX MXJ 3/9/04 - 02/22/19

We said goodbye to Kali last week just 2 weeks shy of her 15th birthday.

I have a huge hole in my heart that she took with her, I miss her every day, but so grateful to have been able to spend so many years with her. She was happy and chasing bumpers til the end, the attached picture is from about a month ago.

Thanks again for the great pup,

From: Hunter
Date: February 16, 2019
Subject: Screenshot 2019-02-16

From: Adam
Date: January 27, 2019
Subject: Boomerang

Hi, Deep Run:
Just over 11 years ago, we adopted our sweet Boomerang from you. I’m writing to say that he passed on at the age of 11 1/2, on January 19, 2019. He was a wonderful, wonderful companion to all of us, and had a fantastic life.
I’ve attached a few pics of him through the years, from the very first picture you sent us before we came down to adopt him up until he was an old grey man getting snuggles on the couch from his dad.
Thanks for bringing him into our lives.

Adam, Leslie, and Tyler (and Maggie the Mastiff, his little sister)

From: Joy
Date: January 26, 2019
To: Phyllis Giroux -
Subject: Sonny


I hope you are well. Just wanted to send you a few pictures. Sonny is doing great. He and Blu are great friends. They both have such wonderful personalities and get along so well. Sonny is such a happy boy. He cracks us up with his limitless energy. I need to get him on video, trying to sit obediently and yet wiggling all over.

Thank you so much for him. Absolutely beautiful boy!

From: John
Date: Thu, Jan 24, 2019
Subject: His twin stuffed animal

Please excuse the brevity, sent from mobile device.

From: John
Date: January 24, 2019
To: Phyllis Giroux -
Subject: Kona

Hello Phyllis, we have now had Kona for 3 weeks and I just wanted to send you a note and tell you how thrilled we are. He is joy. He is definitely still a puppy but he truly has the best disposition. I know you don’t need any endorsements but I wanted to share how happy we are with our Deep Run Retriever, Kona.

Thank you,

From: Curt
Date: Tue, Jan 22, 2019
Subject: Update on Scout

Hi Phyllis,
I bought my pup Scout from you two years ago and brought him home to KY. I have not sent you an update in quite a while! Scout has been great to train. I have personally done all of his training from force-fetch to running blinds. He has been in about every hunting situation I can think to put him in by now and has performed very well. He can do anything from long blind water retrieves to water and land doubles. He is by far the best marking dog I’ve ever had. He will not "short hunt" any mark you can give him no matter how far (I’ve tried to fool him)! He is the poster child of what an English Lab should look like too! Most of all he is part of our family and gets to go to the office with me daily. He doesn’t leave my side. I will be ready to come back for another pup soon! Thank you, Curt

From: David
Date: January 20, 2019
To: Phyllis Giroux at
Subject: Willow Update (Casey x Apple, Born October 2018)

Hi Kristi and Phyllis - a Willow update! She is still doing great. At almost 3.5 months, she is 28 lbs and 100% house broken, goes to the back door when it’s time “to go” and already knows several commands. She has tons of personality and is very smart. She really has been enjoying the snowy weather (see photos attached) and I plan to take her swimming soon (indoors) to get her acclimated to water.

Thanks again! More updates soon!

From: Talmage
Date: Sat, Jan 12, 2019

Phyllis, I wanted to share a few pictures of Scout. He will turn three on March 10th. He is a wonderful dog with such a great personality and friendliness. He has become an important part of my family, particularly with my grandchildren. Talmage

From: David
Date: January 9, 2019
To: Phyllis Giroux -
Subject: Bo at 6 Months!

Hello Deep Run Farm,

I wanted to provide an update on "Bo", who is 6 months old today. I have been so pleased with him and I'm so happy that I came across your organization. He's been a great pup since the day I picked him up; great temperament, healthy, and an all around good looking dog. I receive compliments from family and friends all the time, along with other dog owners who we've met at the dog park. Thank you for everything that you've done since I reached out on Day 1. You were professional and responsive throughout the process, and made my overall experience very pleasant. Here are some pictures of Bo at 6 months, thanks again for everything!


From: Denise
Date: Tue, Jan 8, 2019
Subject: Tugg son of Mad Hatter and Beyoncé best dog ever

From: Kevin
Date: Sun, Jan 6, 2019
Subject: Re: Puppy Deposit Information
To: Phyllis Giroux

Just wanted to let you know that Cheeca is doing great! She’s still hard headed and is 150% puppy that loves to lay in my lap like a baby but she loves to swim and retrieve like a champ! She’s a great family dog. My 8 month old grandson sat next to her ripping and pulling on her and she just laid there and enjoyed it. Always friendly with people and turning out to be a great hunting companion. We couldn’t have asked for more!

Sent: 1/4/2019
Subject: Fwd: DR SUPERMAX

in our lives.

See the click to see more letters page of letters and pictures from our satisifed customers

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13727 Blackwells Mill Road
Goldvein, VA 22720

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